3 Basic Steps to Take Care of Trees

3 Basic Steps to Take Care of Trees

Even though the trees in the garden are hardy and need less attention, they can still benefit from a certain amount of attention to keep them healthy.
Here are three basic steps to help take care of the garden trees:


Mulching is great for a variety of reasons such as the ability to encourage organisms to enrich and aerate the soil, inhibits weed growth, and holds in moisture. It has the benefit of protecting the soil from freezing in the winter and overheating in summer. Also, depending on the type of mulch material, there is the possibility of a little nourishment. Most types of mulch are easily store-bought with cost-effective prices available from many of the common choices, such as peanut hulls, bark chips, and leaf mould. The preferred time to apply is at the start of the season when the soil is quite warm and moist. Make sure the garden is given enough time to warm up before starting to apply the mulch. Give the root area of the trees a thick coating of mulch which is usually in the region of 8-10 cm.


Throughout the trees formative years, it isn’t as important to provide extra feeding. But, later in life when there are issues with reduced growth and small leaves, this may be an indication of a deficiency in nourishment. It is possible to increase the uptake of nutrients by creating small holes in the perimeter of the root structure (this has the potential to spread as far as the branches). Once the boring holes have been created it is possible to fill with a high-quality fertilizer. The best type of fertilizer is the organic type that is much slower in releasing the benefits. Certain fertilizers have the potential to take 12 months or more to release its full nutrient benefit. Any tree planted on the lawn has the ability to benefit from the fertilizer that is presented to the lawn. This means there is rarely any need to apply special treatment to the area around the tree.

Remove surplus shoots

The regular removal of the straggly or dead shoots is essential to promote the good health of the trees. There are several types of shoots that have the potential to grow. The water shoots are inclined to spoil the overall shape of the tree and noticed on the branches, but may appear sporadically on the main trunk. Other shoots include the side variety that is seen on the trunk and are very slow to grow. These should both be removed at the time of completing the end season maintenance.

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