6 Common Problems to Invade the Lawn

6 Common Problems to Invade the Lawn

Any lawn that is kept well-tended and healthy is much more effective at resisting diseases or other issues. A strong lawn benefits from several strains of grass seeds which is more effective at fighting-off the wide-ranging lawn problems. Here are six of the diseases and pests that can have a negative impact on the healthy lawn:


Grubs like the June beetles have the ability to completely destroy plants and are easily noticed with the chewed shoots and holes in the leaves. A simple technique to control this type of outbreak includes adding helpful nematodes or applying an insecticidal soap.


There are plenty of worm species that can have a negative impact on the lawn such as the sod webworms, cutworms, and armyworms. They are usually easy to detect because of the noticeable heaps of soil on the top surface and the tunnels just beneath. A practical solution to treat this lawn problem is to use an insecticidal soap and spray regularly until the worms are gone.


Moles can cause significant problems and easily noticed by the large holes in the top surface of the lawn. This is most likely to take place in the later part of the summer or early autumn. The mole does have the benefit of controlling grubs, but it is still important to take the right action to remove them from your garden. Control options include placing smoke pellets in the runs dug by the moles or to use several purpose-made mole traps.

Bluegrass rust

Bluegrass rust is a type of fungus that appears much like small mushrooms. It is mostly noticed in the warmer months and has the appearance of circular areas on the lawn. It is possible to minimize this issue by only watering the lawn in the early morning (6-10 am). To combat this type of problem make sure to plant a lot seeds in the affected area that are resistant to the condition.

Fairy ring

Fairy ring is a further type of fungus like mushroom that isn’t seen as serious, but is easily noticed by the drying and yellow grass. This fungus gets its name from the ring shape that appears on the grass. In time the rings will slowly start to fade. A mild treatment option includes watering the lawn with a mixture of 40 litres of water and 2-3 tablespoon of copper sulphate.

Red thread

A fungus like red thread can have a direct impact on the grass blades and causes black stripes to appear. The best course of treatment is to improve the lawn drainage by aerating the grass using a fork, spiked shoes, or similar.

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